Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Attend multimedia virtual meetings on your iPhone

In case you haven’t realized so far, you can organize virtual meetings with your iPhone. There are a number of solutions available on the market, and today we’re presenting you with the one developed by the collaboration service provider - Genesys.
First thing they like to underline is that they were the first company to release the iPhone-optimized version of their Meeting Center service — it’s our bad that we’ve missed it.

As with other such services, Genesys’ solution relies on heavy use of AJAX technology to deliver its service via iPhone’s built-in Safari web browser. The interface is as simple as you would expect it for the iPhone web-based application and will allow users to effortlessly join a voice and web meeting — the latter is suggested while you’re on an EDGE network. As for the features, Genesys emphasizes that iPhone users will have access to “full virtual meeting capabilities.”

Nice work guys. You make the iPhone look more enterpriseish.

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